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About site's author

Dr. Viacheslav Konstantinov

Born in 1958. Married.

In 1980 graduated with excellence the University of Economy and Finance

in Leningrad (St. Petersburg), statistical department.

In 1980-1990 worked in Statistical Bureau of Grodno (Belorussia).

In 1990 immigrated to Israel.

From 1995 – researcher of Myers JDC Brookdale Institute.

In 2005 submitted Ph.D. thesis (in Hebrew) about changes in educational and professional structure of Jews in the FSU.

Author of the books “Jewish Population of the Former Soviet Union in 20th Century” and "30 Years of the Great Aliya: A Statistical Analysis of Changes" (in Russian), "Patterns of Integration into Israeli Society among Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union over the Past Two Decades" and "Trends in the Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union into Israeli Society over the Past Three Decades: A Follow-Up Study"  (in Hebrew) and number of articles about Jewish population of FSU and immigration to Israel.

List of Publications:

Konstantinov V. Jewish Population of the USSR on the Eve of the Great Exodus: Jews and Jewish Topics in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, No 3(16), 1991, p.p. 5-23.

Konstantinov V. Aliya of the 1990s from the Former Soviet Union: A Socio-Demographic Analysis: Jews in Eastern Europe, No 2 (27), 1995, p.p. 5-26.

Konstantinov V. Higher Education and the Jews in Stalin’s Last Years: Jews in Eastern Europe, No 2 (36), 1998, p.p. 33-53.

Konstantinov V. The Socio-economic Structure of the Jewish Population of the USSR from the 1960s to the 1980s: Jews in Eastern Europe, No 3 (43), 2000, p.p. 47-77.

Konstantinov V. Soviet Jewish Scientific Personnel, 1920s-1980s: A Statistical Analysis: Jews in Eastern Europe, No 1-2 (47-48), 2002, p.p. 54-84.

Konstantinov V. Changes in Educational and Professional Structure as an Indicator for Socio-Economic Status of Jews in the USSR in Historical Perspective, Thesis submitted for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2005 (Hebrew).

Konstantinov V., Jewish Population of the Former Soviet Union in 20th Century (Socio-Demographic Analysis), Jerusalem, 2007 (Russian)

Konstantinov V. The Immigration from the Former Soviet Union and the Elections in Israel,1992–2006 - Is a “Third Israel” Being Created? : Election in Israel - 2006 (ed. Arian A. and Shamir M.), Israel Democracy Institute, N. J., 2008.

Konstantinov V., 20 Years of the Great Aliya: A Statistical Analysis of Changes, Jerusalem, 2013 (Russian).

Konstantinov, V., The Professional Mobility of FSU Immigrants in Israel, 1990-2010: Research in Jewish Demography and Identity (ed. Lederhendler, E.; Rebhun, U.). Academic Studies Press, Boston, 2015, p.p. 169-196.

Konstantinov V., Patterns of Integration into Israeli Society among Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union over the Past Two Decades, Research Report. Jerusalem. Myers–JDC–Brookdale Institute, 2015 (Hebrew).

Konstantinov V., Quarter Century of the Great Aliya: A Statistical Analysis of Changes (Second Edition), Jerusalem, 2017 (Russian).

Konstantinov V. and Itzkovitch-Malka R. Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union and Israeli Politics - at a Crossroads : Election in Israel (ed. Shamir M., Rahat, G.), Israeli Democracy Institute, Jerusalem, 2017, p.p. 115-137.

Konstantinov V., 30 Years of the Great Aliya: A Statistical Analysis of Changes (third edition), Jerusalem, 2023 (Russian).

Konstantinov V., Trends in the Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union into Israeli Society over the Past Three Decades: A Follow-Up Study. Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute, 2024 (Hebrew)

Common Research reports of Myers JDC Brookdale Institute with author’s participation (main):

Ellenbogen-Frankovits S., Konstantinov V., 1999, The Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Post-High School and Academic Institutions: Report No 1. Immigrants in University Preparatory Courses in the 1997/98 Academic Year, Jerusalem, JDC –Brookdale Institute, 1999 (Hebrew).

Ellenbogen-Frankovits S., Konstantinov V., The Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Post-High School and Academic Institutions: Report No 2. Immigrants in Their First Year of Study, Jerusalem, JDC–Brookdale Institute, 2000(Hebrew).

Ellenbogen-Frankovits S., Konstantinov V., Katz E., The Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Post-High School and Academic Institutions: Report No 3. Follow- up of Immigrants who Studied in Preparatory Courses During the 1998-1999 Academic Year, Jerusalem, JDC–Brookdale Institute, 2003 (Hebrew).

Ellenbogen-Frankovits S., Konstantinov V., Levi D., The Absorption of Youth from the Caucasus: Findings from a Follow-up Study, Jerusalem, Myers–JDC–Brookdale Institute, 2004 (Hebrew).

Kahan-Strawczynski P., Levi D., Konstantinov V., Immigrant Youth in Israel – the Current Situation, Jerusalem, Myers– JDC–Brookdale Institute, 2010 (Hebrew).

Kahan-Strawczynski P., Amiel S., Levi D., Konstantinov V., First and Second Generations of Immigrant Youth from Ethiopia and the Former Soviet Union – Similarities and Differences, Jerusalem, Myers–JDC–Brookdale Institute, 2012 (Hebrew).