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Demographic Aspects (Gender, Age, Marital Status, Family Size, Fertility and Mortality)


Tab. 2.1. Age Structure of FSU Jewish Population, FSU Immigrants in Israel (1990+), All Israeli Jews and FSU Jewish Immigrants in USA and Germany (% of Total)


Tab. 2.2. Ratio Females per 100 Males among FSU Jewish Population, FSU Immigrants in Israel (1990+) and All Israeli Jews, by Age Groups (at the end of year)


Tab. 2.3. Number and Percentage of Non-Jews (according to Halacha) among FSU Immigrants, by Years of Immigration


Tab. 2.4. Percentage of Non-Jews (according to Halacha) among FSU Immigrants (1990+), by Age Groups (at the end of year)


Tab. 2.5. Percentage of Non-Jews among FSU Immigrants (1990+), living in Israel in 2022, according to Official Data and according to Labor Force Survey, by Gender and Age (%)


Tab. 2.6. Marital Status of FSU Jewish Population, FSU Immigrants in Israel (1990+), All Israeli Jews and FSU Jewish Immigrants in USA Aged 18+, by Gender (% of Total)


Tab. 2.7. Percentage of Married among FSU Jewish Population, FSU Immigrants in Israel (1990+) and All Israeli Jews, by Gender and Age


Tab. 2.8. Changes in Percentage of Married among FSU Immigrants (1990+) in Israel Aged 18+, by Gender and Years of Immigration


Tab. 2.9. Percentage of Mixed-Origin Marriages among All Married FSU Immigrants (1990+) in Israel, by Gender, Age and Years of Immigration


Tab. 2.10. Household Size of FSU Immigrants (1990+), All Israeli Jews and FSU Jewish Immigrants in USA and Germany


Tab. 2.11. Household Types of FSU Immigrants (1990+) and All Israeli Jews (%)


Tab. 2.12. Distribution of FSU Jewish Women, FSU Female Immigrants (1990+) in Israel, All Israeli Jewish Women and FSU Female Jewish Immigrants in USA Aged 20+, by Number of Children Born (%)


Tab. 2.13. Fertility, Mortality and Natural Increase among FSU Jews, FSU Immigrants in Israel (1990+) and All Israeli Jews


Tab. 2.14. Age-specified Birth Rates and Total Fertility Rate among FSU Jewish Women, FSU Immigrant Women in Israel (by Jewish Identity) and All Jewish Women in Israel


Tab. 2.15. Age-specified mortality rates among FSU Jews, FSU Immigrants in Israel and All Israeli Jews Aged 45+ (per 1000)
