Tab. 10.1. General Satisfaction with Life in Israel of FSU Immigrants (1990+) and All Israeli Jews, by Gender and Age (%)
Tab. 10.2. General Satisfaction with Life in Israel of FSU Immigrants (1990+) Aged 20+, by Various Indicators (%)
Tab. 10.3. Main Factors, Influencing on General Satisfaction with Life in Israel of FSU Immigrants (1990+) Aged 20+ (Results of Logistic Regression)
Tab. 10.4. Feeling of Discrimination (because of any reason) among FSU Immigrants (1990+) and All Israeli Jews Aged 20+, by Gender, Age and Years of Immigration (%)
Tab. 10.7. Level of Religiosity of Jewish FSU Immigrants and All Israeli Jews, by Gender, Age and Years of Immigration (%)